★西新宿 sightseeing

I went out for Nishi-Shinjuku sightseeing?! dinner together with a friend who’s going back to Brazil very soon. While we were watching Metropolitan Government Office, I found parabola antenna on top of the building… and somehow it start to look like white mushrooms to me. Lol
しかし、日本生まれの私にとってアタリマエだと思っていた事がアタリマエじゃないエピソードをたくさん聞かせてくれた。「日本にはいったい神様何人いるの?なんで、あんなにたくさん神社やお寺があるの?」とか、「マンションの隣に誰が住んでるかもわからないの。まず顔を合わせる機会さえないんだから」とか… あぁ、そう捉えるのか!っていう気づきが満載の夜でした。
While we eat, she gave me lots of new insight on Japanese culture. “How many gods are here in Japan. Why are there so many temples and shrines” . “I didn’t even know who’s living next door, because there aren’t any chance seeing them”… The way how she interpret her questions were very interesting .
そういえば、こんなお寺を前に見つけたので紹介します。東京じゃないんだけどね、神宮なんだけどお寺なの。その名も【神宮寺】。どっち祀ってるんですか?って、聞きたくなる名称の由来はちと気になるよね?(-∀- )


Few weeks ago, I found a temple with the Kanji of Shrine in it. “Jin(神/God)Gu(宮/Shrine)Ji(寺/Temple)”. I though it’s a mystery because it’s a temple that co-exist with Shrine! In short, it’s a temple that belongs to shrine. I’m glad there are no fight between these two 😉

“★西新宿 sightseeing” への6件の返信

  1. OK, you’ve piqued my curiosity–in Japanese culture, what is the difference between a temple and shrine, and what possible argument might they find with each other? Sorry, pure ignorance of the situation on this end. . .

