時をかける少女… time waits for no one


・キャッチボール大好き! (ちなみにバットで打つのはどーでもいい。ひたすらキャッチボールがイイ!だれか今度ボールとグローブ貸してください!!! 😀 )

ぜったいにドジだってところだ。間違いない。中学生くらいまではドジを治す努力をしていたけど、15になる前に諦めた。治らない…から、せめて大けがしないように受け身の練習だけは。笑。おかげさまで、入院するほどの怪我はまだ未経験です。ドジだけど慎重派だから? 😉 アレ??? 時々記憶が飛ぶような時があったのはタイムリープしてたから? だめだ、脳みそがおかしくなって変なテンションになってきた…もう寝ます。おやすむ〜☆

I watched a movie while I had a lunch. The movie is the one I’d been wanted to watch since I heard from someone some time ago saying that I’m alike the main character of this movie is somehow. The title of this movie is, “The Girl Who Leapt Through Time”. And I noticed how I’m alike to her…

・Hair style (well I didn’t have short hair like today when someone told me about this movie before tho-)
・I run quite often (until I injured my knee, I almost always run to the station in the morning and jump on the train)
・I love to play catch ball! (Can someone let me borrow your glove and ball?)
・And mostly, VERY CLUMSY!

I’m sure that someone pointed out because of the CLUMSY part! No doubt on this. I did tried to fix my clumsiness until my age of 15 but… I gave up. But I’m pretty good at defense!! I never had a huge injure in my life -maybe I’m just lucky? haha

oh my—- got to go bed now. The outside is getting brighter!! Good night Good morning!!!
P.S. It was quite a good movie! Better try it when you had some chance 😉

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