A Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year everyone!!! 😀
I’ve been coming back to my home town in Nagoya, and spending everyday together with my family. It’s been a while since all my family members are spending our time in the same house, eating dinner together every night… it used to be normal until I went to Tokyo for my University years. hm— it’s very nice to be back at home ;D


Today on the 3rd day of this new year, I went to Karaoke together with my two small (but taller) sisters this afternoon. We were there in the singing room for about 3 hours but I felt like I can stay there forever!! lol My sisters were quite good with singing too!♪♪♪ It was a lot of fun to sing NATSUIRO (by Yuzu) in ad-lib harmonies! lololol

mowa_sawa_towa新年3日目の今日は、妹2人と一緒にカラオケにいって初歌いしてきた♪ 3時間ぐらい歌ったかな。妹達もけっこう古い曲もわかるタイプだから、ジャンルも年代もぐちゃぐちゃな選曲で飽きる事も無く… 一番印象に残ったのはゆずの『夏色』のサビに上下でハモを適当に乗っけて、3つのハーモニーみたいになって歌ったところかな。ノリでできるからたのしいわ★

Hey I changed this blog’s design (since it was somehow messed up around the end of last year), how do you like it? Hopefully I’m gonna write (or post) more on this blog this year!!




“A Happy New Year!!” への4件の返信

  1. Sawa, Mowa and Towa! Legal, seus nomes combinam! ^ ^
    Imagino eu que, com as três juntam em um mesmo lugar, não faltaram histórias e estórias para contar.

    Feliz ano novo Sawa!

    (Aliás, o novo visu do blog está muito bacana![Em português, claro.LOL!] Essa neve virtual serve para que eu me refresque um pouco.[Minha cidade varia entre 25 a 40 graus celcius!])


    1. Meus pais nomeado todas crianças com “-wa” no final. Mas destes dias, eles chamar-nos misturados. Por exemplo, quando meu mãe fala-me, ela começa com “ah-, Mowa não Towa não…. Sawa!” lololol Todos muito gostam música!!! ♪

