Good morning?

I don’t know why but I somehow forgot to post the last blog writings and fell a sleep last night. And woke up in 4am together with new melody of a song♪

I thought I’d better go back to sleep (because its too early for me to wake up) but this new melody told me to start scratching new song so, here I am! Awake!! With a good morning pancakes 😉
何でか、昨晩書いたブログを投稿し忘れて寝てしまってたのでさっきアップしました★ なんかしらんけど4時に目が覚めちゃったんょね。新しいメロディーが浮かんで♪

起きるにはちょっと早い気がしたけど、なんでかこの新しいメロが頭から離れないからもう起きる事にした!(>▽<)b ホットケーキ食べ終わったらこのメロと戯れる〜♪♪♪

“Good morning?” への4件の返信

    1. oh yea! it doesn’t happen often, but that’s how this kind of morning become so special! 😉 well.. I couldn’t complete this song during my holiday… it was three‐part time melody and couldn’t mix it into the rock taste in a day (x x )

