ニコニコ生放送!! The Power is Yet Unknown!!!!

【ニコ生(2012/11/26 19:00開始)】
「すばらしきこのせかい」5th Anniversary live -Crossover-


NINTENDO DS 用アクションRPG「すばらしきこのせかい」。

FINAL FANTASY シリーズを始め、数多くの人気作品を手がける
野村哲也がキャラクターデザインを行い、「サイキック スキャンシステム」や
DS ならではの2 画面同時展開「ストライドクロスバトル」などの

発売から5年を迎え、今年8月にはiOS版「すばらしきこのせかい -Solo Remix-」、
今冬には「すばらしきこのせかい LIVE Remix」が配信予定など話題には事欠かない。

優勝者はSQUARE ENIXのゲームでデビューできるという


In short, NicoNico DOUGA will do the live on-air !!
It’s gonna be pay per view program so the account and it’s viewer permission is required.
You can watch this LIVE but this site only have Japanese service… If you can go over this language barrier I guess everyone from can watch the stage from anywhere.

For the further information please visit ↓

Tomorrow will be the last rehearsal for this TWEWY live event!
Hope I can get some pic’s to put up here!!!

明日は最後のリハーサル! 写真撮ってくる余裕あるかなぁ〜?(笑)

ah! Only 1 more day until the LIVE!!!! ‘m sooooo excited! ☆☆☆
Please remember this phrase(I guess you already know tho-).
“The Power is Yet Unknown”. 「インプリント」、ね。(笑)

“ニコニコ生放送!! The Power is Yet Unknown!!!!” への9件の返信

  1. I got my Digital Ticket for the Concert after a lot of work on lots of different websites so I could get the Nico Points.

    Can’t wait! Would love to see those behind-the-scenes photos of the practices and stuff if possible too!


    1. Oh how great is that!!! I’m sure your hard work will be paid while you watch the Death March’s show coming next Minday! (Japan time) Probably there wi be quite many people in the studio tomorrow… so don’t know… but I’ll try my best 😉


      1. I’m kind of worried though, on the 5th_live page on the Square Enix site, only you and Stephanie are listed as Vocalists.

        Does that mean we won’t be hearing stuff like “The One Star” and “Game Over” and so on from the guys? Or “Calling” and “Ooparts”?


      2. Sorry I couldn’t reply to you on this subject earlier… it was something like “confidential” you know? Hope you liked my ver. of “One Star” or the Stephanie ver. of “Calling” 😉


    1. To tell the truth, I was a bit nervous until I go up stage because we only had 4 hours practice X 3 days before the actual stage!!! Although every member of the Death March was professional enough to bring up a great stage for this show!!! It was a great honor for me to be part of this group.

