里親さん募集! Little Kitten needs family!


渋谷Guiltyで夜19:00からのステージ、騒ぎたい人!! スカッとするようなステージになるのでよかったら遊びにきてね☆ 前売りチケットご希望の方はご連絡くださぃ 😀
Live tonight! everyone!! At Shibuya Guilty, starting from 19:00 ☆ Come join us and let’s blow away the May Blues with Rocking night in the middle of Tokyo!!!!

And today, before I leave, I’d like to write about something other than music.

Last week, I met this sweet kitten on Facebook. But the person who save this life, has got allergy and she can’t keep this cute one at her house for long. This baby cat is living in Shizuoka, waiting for someone to become a new family.

お近くにお住まいの方、静岡までこの猫ちゃんを迎えに行ける方、いらっしゃいましたらどうか私宛で良いので、このブログへのコメント書き込みでもOKです! ご連絡をお願い致します!!
If you’re living close or if you can go Shizuoka to bring back kitten home safely together with you, PLEASE give me a message or write comment on this blog or… contact me in any meanings.

(following is the message from the person who’s taking care of this baby cat right now)

動物愛護センターに 預けようかと思って、、、
そしたら 里親見つかるかと思って。
でも 行ってみたら 悲しい話を聞かされた。

センターで引き取られた子たちは 一時保護施設に 運ばれます。
そこで 里親になりたい人に 引き取られるのを待ちます。
でも 里親に引き取られる子は ほんのわずかです。
毎日 市内各区役所から何十匹と送られてくるので ずっと 置いておくことができません。80%は処分されます。 そして 今日預かったら 里親が見つからないと 金曜日に処分されます。

託しても たった4日の命、、、。
わたしが 連れて行った子は
カラスにさらわれてきて 地に置かれたところを 子どもたちが拾ってきた
カラスが餌にしようとしていたであろう子の 命を助けて連れてきたのに
そう言ったら 里親募集のチラシを作って センターの掲示板に貼ることもできるから
と 必要なことを書く紙をくれた。
写真と一緒に 郵送したら あとはセンターで作って掲示してくれると。
見つかるかもしれないし ダメかもしれない。
でも やってみようと思う。
うちで飼えばいいのだけど、以前 飼ってみて ねこアレルギーがあることがわかってしまったので、、、あと 職場かどっかで 探してみようと思う。
かわいいし 病気もしてないし 救った命 育ってほしいから。。。
可愛がってもらって しあわせに生きてほしいから、、、。

I went to the ward office today. The reason I went there was for this baby cat.
First I thought about bringing her into the Animal Welfare Center, so that she can find the new family to be adapted. Thus, what I heard was a very very sad news.

Animals who was brought into the Animal Welfare Center will be sent into the protection facility for a while and wait until the new family to be found. However, only few lucky one’s can go out from that facility. The reason that’s making this situation even more difficult is that there are numbers of lost animals sent into this facility, and this place is filled with many lost but not found lives. As the sad reality, 80% of the lost lives will be killed. I heard a very sad story that this kitten will be killed by next Friday if I handed this life to this facility.

I was very shocked to know this reality.
IF I leave this sweet little life to them, she’ll be killed in 4 days…
She was kidnapped by crows, and lifted on the ground. (Probably they were trying to eat this little kitten).Then my kids found her alone and shaking on the ground, so I saved.
But If I bring her into the welfare office, she’ll be killed soon by human.
That means I can’t save her life anyway!!!
The words came out from my mouth…
“Then is that mean there’s no way I can save her life?!”
And the person at the reception gave me a piece of paper to write “new family wanted”, and told me that I can put it up on the bulletin board at the ward center. If I send in this paper together with the photo of this kitten, people in this center will create and post it up on the wall.

Might able to find a new family. Might not…
But I’d like to try for this little life.
Since I have cat allergy, I can’t keep her together with me for long, but I want this little baby cat to have a LIFE. She is such an adorable one. Healthy cute kitten. I once saved her life, and there’s no way I can let her die. I wish her to LIVE with a nice new family.

Japanese pet situation is still not well organized, compared to the all the other developed countries around the world, YET. And I wish that I could be her new family but I can’t because of the many reason now. 😦 Even if you can’t become her new family, please spread this post for this little life. Thank you very much for you support and caring about this little life.

Thank you.

“里親さん募集! Little Kitten needs family!” への4件の返信

  1. あら可愛い♬
    一応私もface bookで呼びかけてみるね〜


    1. ありがとぅ、Sanroppaさん!
      うちも妹が昔フワフワした毛や埃のアレルギーを持ってて、野良がうちで赤ちゃんを産んだ時飼えなかったのが今も記憶に鮮明です(>_<) 罪滅ぼしぢゃないけど…この子猫ちゃんに新しい家族が見つかる事を心から願って…(>人<;)ご協力頂ける事に心から感謝いたしますっ!☆

