


Time flies!! The last month of this year had been already started few days ago!!!
I didn’t know until today, that there are some places that sells real fir tree in Japan too!

※This is completely different story though, did you know that world famous rabbit, Peter Rabbit, lives underneath the big fir tree?

香港で出会ったLadybeardこと、Ricky と一緒に行った東京→大阪ツアーはいろんな事がありました。
いろいろありすぎて、整理が着かなかったので今日までちょっとインターネットから離れていた事、どうかお許し下さい。m(_ _ )m 頂いてたメールやメッセージにも週末あたりからしかお返事が出来ていなくてごめんなさい。皆に支えてもらえたおかげで、なんとか元気に乗り切る事ができてます。ありがとうございます。そして、そのいろいろの中から、今後…今以上に悔いのない毎日を送ることを心に誓った次第でございます。

There were many things happening at once during the last 2 weeks. It was way crazier than I could ever imagine.
I was a bit lost in that craziness so took a rest, and I learned and determined something important after this tour. It was a tour together with a crazy-funny-comedy-rockin guy, named Ladybeard. As some of you guys know, we had done 3 performances together in Tokyo and Osaka. I swear to devote myself on music from this month. I know it’s important to keep up the websites, blog, and all the other S.N.S sites. Though, I want to work on music more. I’m not here to do managing, maintenance, scheduling, or booking only. And again, I swear I’ll keep being true to myself.

“December” への11件の返信

  1. Do what you will, Sawa–we’ll be here for you! Your music is beautiful, but still just a pale reflection of the beautiful spirit you’ve shown this year. You’ve been there for you family, your friends, your fans, disaster victims, helpless animals. . .Those trees have a bigger meaning in the West at this time of year than just Peter Rabbit (but he’s great, right?!), and you’ve personified that meaning all year long. I enjoy your music, but I admire you. So do what you will, Sawa–your fans will support you! –Dave


  2. Do what you need to do to be true to yourself Sawa! We’ll always support you!

    Plus, so me of us want to see a new album soon *hint hint* >.>

