

Maybe it was karma wave that let us meet and get together.
We’re planning to held a big event to support Tohoku rise and stand again together with people from many different field.
(Sorry… today’s blog might be the longest I ever wrote!! Thanks in advance for reading till the end!)

Before the 3.11…
When ever I tell to people, “I want to do perform as a volunteer at the nursing home”, or “I wanna sing at whatever occasion that volunteer musician can perform”, they laughed at me and said, “That’s impossible. You’re just an indie musician who can even make your own living” . That’s how Japanese society used to be. Although, I couldn’t forget how I was amazed by the power of music through the experiences during my stay in the VA, USA. When I performed handbell at the nursing home I was touched to know how music can connect the heart of people only by its sound and melody. When I sang Japanese songs during the cultural festival at high school, even they couldn’t understand the meaning of its lyrics, I could tell from their faces that how they enjoyed our performance – and as a result, our performance was selected as one of the best performance of that year!

I know Japanese culture is very different and unique in both good and bad ways.

Last autumn, one of my friend was working very hard to save animals from cruelty as a volunteer staff. I wanted to be her help in any meanings, so decided to help her by collecting signature which will be sent to the Diet. Few months later, I happened to have a chance to perform and help fund raising for the abandoned animals and rescued pets from Tohoku disaster. The live was held at a gallery in Omotesando, and the atmosphere there was very heart warming and filled with love.

‘cause I don’t have money.
‘cause I don’t have time.
Can that be an excuse for not making an action?
Think it’s more simple!
If you really want to do, it’s you who can only make it happen.
Even if it’s a small action, if you really got a heart to share… turn them into a action!
Let’s think the best way together for this ‘share’ according to TPO.

After the 3.11…
We were in a big confusion, information and people had went back and forth trying to figure out what’s the truth and needless to say, it was very fearful moment since we didn’t know the reality going on around us. I got a considerate messages from both far and near. In such chaotic situation, Zizi and I struck up the ‘Soul x Action Project‘ simply pushed by the voice inside ourselves.  We just wanted to be the help in whatever meaning for people in Tohoku, under the fear of Earthquake, Tsunami, Nuclear Plant and coldness. There were a lot more people, mostly the people we’ve never met before, who supported this project and we could carry out this sudden action within 4 days.
Few months had passed since then…
I think, Japanese people is… Japanese society is… changing now.
I want to believe so.
This is the first time in my life i hear the word, ‘Charity’ in Japan!!

However, human are apt to forget as the time goes by.
True meaning, Sincerity, Thankfulness…
So we’d like to continue this event, ‘Hanbunko-Project’.

This is the song that inspired the other member of Hanbunko-Project. As many of you know, this song was the start of the charity live for africa that big name artists from many different genre got together under the name of BAND AID. BTW, I used to think ‘We are the Wrold’ was the school song for NIS(Nagoya International School) since I was only 6 years old when I left there! lol

Anyway, I don’t go to Clubs where DJ’s are … I don’t have much chance to go see live paint, dance. make up or calligraphy performances, but vice versa… I guess there are people who won’t go to live houses to see the live stage of the bands. But when you think “everyone in the house has got the same wish and hope to support people suffering even today”? I guess it’s easier to meet your new friends there! And what’s most, we love one common thing.

The good connection of love… and the chain reaction of smile…

So that’s the meaning of this event,
and its 1st charity party will be held July 31 (SUN) at Club Solfa, Nakameguro.

Thanks for reading till the end and bellow is the details of this event.
Please feel free to contact me for any further question.
We’d be happy to see you there!!! Let’s take a stand together!!!!!


This vision in my mind brings me back the memory when I saw the world famous festival… “I clearly remember… the punk bands such as Joey from The Ramones, pop star like Michael Jackson, and even Spike Lee! We all got together as one and shared the precious moment together with the magic of music and art.” The moment is NOW!Let’s take a stand together…from the earthquake disaster… from the land of rising sun. This charity event might be just one of the numerous opportunity to share your love. However, this can be a good chance to kick-start the ever lasting movement we’re starting together now!”…PEACE!いつか見た、あの有名なフェスティバルの記憶が蘇る…「忘れられない感動…あのパンクバンドのThe RamonesのJoeyも、ポップスターのMichael Jacksonも、そしてSpike Leeまで!みんなが音楽とアートの魔法でヒトツになって、共に過ごしたあのヒトトキ。」3.11のあの日から… 日出ずるこの国から…今!ヒトツになって立ち上がろう!!このチャリティーイベントは、数多くあるアナタの愛をシェアできるイベントのひとつに過ぎないかもしれない。それでもいい。これが「繋がり、続けていく」ムーブメントの萌芽になれば…。


■2011.7.31(sun)Open/Start 16pm~22pm
■solfa(Oak build. B1F 1-20-5 Aobadai Nakameguro Tokyo )
■with Flyer or Mobile Flyer 1,500yen(+1Drink/¥500)/Door 2,000yen(+1Drink/¥500)

***LINE UP(順不同)***
【Live Musician】鮎貝 健(TOBYAS)島 卓也(BUDDHISTSON)Yo Asai(Ds:The Stealth/Soah-i/Gold&Saint)三浦 竜(2nd colony,TOBYAS)iRaSAWASPHOOL伊藤 礼(インド古典楽器、シタール演奏家)/namazu(Doblo player)
【Guest Musician】 まっと(from岩手県 陸前高田市)
【DJs】Really? (Discocactus / Momarhino / Deep Cover)/i-sakurai(REPUBLIC/Droidj)/Kenny G(afro99.com)Cor(FYM,BrandNewDive)玲奈(BrandNewDive ∞ RENO)
【書道家】中澤 希水
【LivePainting】Painter YORKE.(OLDCODEX)
【Silent Performance】96969(クロックロック)
【Dance Performancen@n@siiii/愛
【Make-Up Show】kumazaki(Make-up)/Ray(BodyJewery)/Sui(BodyPainting)富上麻理奈(Model)
【VISUAL/VJsM.M.Delight(VJ YAMAPA)VisualOnAsteroidyoheyy


『チャ リティの趣旨の元に運営されておりますので通常のイベントと違い、予告なく出演者の変更、追加、訂正などが有り得ますので御了承ください。収益の中から はんぶんこPROJECTの※活動資金として、また復興支援協力団体へ寄付させて頂いております。』『会場内においての貴重品紛失、事故トラブル等に関し ては主催側では一切責任負い兼ねますので御了承下さい。未成年者の喫煙飲酒は固く御断りします。』『はんぶんこPROJECTのイベント会場にお出掛けの 際はご自宅の不要な電源コンセントをお切りになり、節電に協力しましょう。』『皆様のご理解の元、イベントを継続拡大して参りたいと考えておりますので何 卒、宜しく御願い致します。その他、出演者情報/企画のお知らせ詳細はINFO.をご覧ください。』※はんぶんこPROJECT活動資金{被災地クリエイ ター支援等としての活用また、直接的な被災地復興支援活動}

[協力:Special Thx(順不同): JUICE MAGAZINE/TOKYO FASHION WEEKEND/M.M.Delight/WISDOM recordingsSOUL×ACTION PROJECT(東日本大震災復興支援協力プロジェクト)/)/BARRIER FREE LABEL/interbreed-banner/中澤希水office/アルテベクトル/solfaLuv&Dub Paradise2E2L RECORDINGS]
[Powerd by RENO/BrandNewDive]


[※お詫び… JUICE MAGAJINE 7月号31頁に掲載されておりますEVENT PICK UPコーナー「はんぶんこPROJECT」の紹介内容につきまして、一部の出演者様(鮎貝 健氏/Really?氏)の記載事項内容に不手際がありました事を関係各位様に深くお詫び申し上げます。また、INNERSCIENCE様、SUGIURUMN様の出演予定は今回御座いませんので御了承くださいませ。][※訂正… フライヤー持参及び、携帯フライヤー掲示でディスカウント→フライヤー持参及び、携帯フライヤー掲示でフライヤー持参料金と同額]はんぶんこPROJECT主宰一同

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